[CHOI&LAGER] Frischer Wind aus Fernost

Heidrun Wirth published an article in the German newspaper "Kölnische Rundschau" on July 8th in 2015 about our current exhibition "Have a Good Day, Mr.Kim!". 
The exhibition runs until 21st August 2015 at the Michael-Horbach foundation.

Contemporary Korean Art at the Michael Horbach foundation

There he is! (smaller than expected) 
A inconspicuous, moderate man. He is wearing a business suit and is standing in a stiff position on a high plinth, in the middle of the big hall. 
The sculpture, incarnates the perfect Korean salary man. 
Except his face, which is cloudy and doesn’t represent any mentionable facial expression, while his hands are very detailed and almost show every vein. 
The artist, Xoang Choi, is born in 1975 in Seoul and is one of the 15 artists represented in this show.

The Paris-based curator, Sunhee Choi, twin sister of the gallery manager Jinhee Choi, from the Choi&Lager gallery has chosen exclusive and high ranking artist as well as newcomers for this special exhibition. This difference especially become noticeable while looking at the the price list.

The show however isn’t only a wild mix of Korean art but fascinates with a strong key note. Every artwork broach the issue of the own identity and individuality.

Jinyoung Yu (*1977) for example has created semi-transparent doll-a-like sculptures which are decorated with flowers. It seems like they are plasters which covers the wounds of the fragile bodies.

In his photography’s, Soonhak Kwon (*1979) scrutinizes the image of the human being. Using a large Aluminium surface as underground he shows a large photography of a “Ecce homo” fresco. Every crack is noticeable, but the big ladder in the centre of the image doesn’t seem to disturb our peek. 
In contrast, another huge photography is presented on the other site o the room. A celebration of nothing. The artist photographed a white wall, with all his imperfections, marks and shadows. In an accurate step, he then creates a mandala with different slices.

Leenam Lee takes us on a trip to a Korea. He presents a video of a traditional bamboo painting, which is slowly covered in snow, during this process the black of the ink becomes white and minor. 
It is a philosophical journey, which has as much potential for exciting thoughts as the skeleton goofy (Hyungkoo Lee) or the fire red landscapes (Seahyun Lee). 
Those of you who will visit this exhibition, will pass big blue vases, which look like the treasured ones from the Ming dynasty. You should smell on them! It seems almost incredible, but those sculptures are made out of soap. Another manual masterpiece are the huge paper braids and book sculptures form Yukhee Kwon.

The exhibition convinced with a dazzling array and maybe is one of the most beautiful this summer in Cologne?


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Heidrun Wirth schreibt in der "Kölnische Rundschau" vom 8.Juli über unsere Ausstellung "Have A Good Day, Mr. Kim!"